

"Writing Jewish Latin America into Latin American and Jewish Histories” (with Raanan Rein) in Encyclopedia of Jews in Latin America (Boston and Leiden: Brill, 2024)
"Impaired Providers and Weakened Protectors: Negotiating Jewish Masculinities in Occupied Warsaw (1939-1942)," under review

Jewish Immigration to Latin America
in The Routledge History of Modern Latin American Migration, edited by Andreas E. Feldmann, Xochitl Bada, Jorge Durand, Stephanie Schütze (New York: Routledge, 2022): 144-156
Law as the Jewish Defense Weapon. Emil Sommerstein and the Jewish Struggle for Dignity in Interwar Poland, forthcoming 2025
Plowing Argentine and Canadian Soil: Jewish Colonization in the Writing of Memoirists
in Promised Lands North and South: Jewish Argentina and Jewish Canada Compared, edited by David S. Koffman and David M. K. Sheinin (Leiden: Brill, 2024),

When the “Ostjuden” Returned: Linguistic Continuities in German-language Writing about Eastern European Jews

Naharaim. Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History 15, 2 (2021): 287-309

Yiddish Buenos Aires and the Struggle to Leave the Margins

East European Jewish Affairs 50, 1/2 (2020): 115-133

Dorfisze jidn. Wieś w twórczości Pereca Hirszbejna

Kwartalnik Historii Żydów 273, 1 (2020): 69-89

“Let them understand!” Salomón Resnick, Argentine Translations from Yiddish and Expanding the Borders of Jewishness.

In Yiddish and the Field of Translation. Agents, Strategies, Concepts and Discourses across Time and Space, edited by Olaf Terpitz, 281-311 (Vienna: Böhlau 2020)

Becoming Polacos: Landsmanshaftn and the Making of a Polish-Jewish Subethnicity in Argentina

In The New Ethnic Studies in Latin America, edited by Raanan Rein, Stefan Rinke and Nadia Zysman, 32-51 (Leiden, Boston: Brill 2017)

Żydowscy polacos. Znaczenia polskości dla żydowskich imigrantów w Argentynie

In Polacy i ich potomkowie w Ameryce Łacińskiej edited by Rafał Raczyński, 407-415 (Gdynia: Muzeum Emigracji, 2017)

אבל כולם נוסעים! וורשה היהודית והתחבורה הציבורית

ב-ניעות וניראות: יהודים ותחבורה ציבורית.  עורכים: אמה זוהר ומדרכי נאור, מכון בן-גוריון לחקר ישראל והציונות, 2024

Izraelskie prawo małżeńskie. Wybrane zagadnienia

Przegląd Prawa Wyznaniowego 4 (2012): 87-109
